The Stage 32 Videos: Women In Comedy

Suzanne Birrell-scene

An excerpt from the TV pilot "Sally and Norma" -A half hour long detective comedy in the vein of “Action Family” from the 90’s with a touch of “Beverly Hillbillies” styled fish out of water. Two seasoned ladies do their best to restore truth, justice, and good old fashion manners and morals while family members and friends scramble to keep them out of trouble. In this except Norma beat up a Thirteen year old boy who tried to take her purse when her grandson arrives.

Dime theme song.mp4

Consider this work: A grown up cartoon series that is endearingly retro, yet surprisingly modern, featuring a heroine who faces uncertainty and crisis with resiliency and fortitude… this is If I Had a Dime. One of the scripted versions disseminates the story in very short scripts, but I need animation. What I can offer: A visionary director who is also a joyful collaborator and the opportunity to work on a project filled with heart and hope, a tale about saving ourselves at a time when it feels like we are in the early part of an avengers movie, only in our case the avengers may not come. The challenge: Just try and find a more upbeat and lovable character than 1970s groovy actress Miranda Davis. Go ahead. Try. Just try and listen to this theme song and not tap your toe or let a smile break out on your face. Go ahead. Try.

A Coupla Pros - October

A Coupla Pros... Mondays at 6:00pm. Another delightful Clouds and a Waffle Production.

Carbon Dating Season 1 sizzle reel

The "Carbon Dating" 30 minute comedy series is loosely based on the web series of the same name. This is the sizzle reel for Season 1 of the web series.

Sarah J Eagen's Comedy Reel

Sarah as: - a quirky and clever hospital patient - an uptight, new-age young mom - Hermione Granger - a reporter who takes herself very seriously despite the ridiculous story

Perfect Man Search

One woman's quest to find the perfect man.

Why I Can't Lose Weight

This is a story about stubborn belly fat. I wrote/shot/acted/edited. I have more sketches at . I would appreciate some quality feedback :)
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